OD Link ManualTutioralsTutioral 1: patient > appointment > transaction > claim > EOB > payment

Tutioral 1: patient > appointment > transaction > claim > EOB > payment

Walk through entering Fred Flintstone.  Add Fred Flintstone to your OD Link as you go through this tutorial.

OD Link Home Page

From the Home Page, click "Patients"."

Getting to the Patient Window from another place in OD Link

1.  If you are already in OD Link, click on the Patient Tab to go to the Patient Window.

2.  Check to see if "Fred Flintstone " is already entered (type the first few letters of the first and last names).  Checking if the patient is already entered in OD Link is a good habit to avoid duplicate records.

3.  If Fred is not found, add him by clicking the "+" add button.

The steps to add demographics for Fred Flintstone are automated;  along the top menu, click "OD Link", then click "ADD FRED FLINTSTONE (ctrl-8)" and click "Okay."  You can watch Fred's information populate on the screen.

More about how to add a new patient.

Schedule an Appointment

Schedule an Appointment

Once the patient demographics are completed, there are two ways to schedule an appointment:

Click the "Calendar Tab" (circle) OR click "Create Appointment' on the left side (arrow) to go to the next available appointment on the Calendar.

Calendar Window

Calendar Window

Options in the Calendar:

1.  Click  the "+" add button to schedule the appointment (whichever patient was last viewed in the Patient Window will be scheduled for the appointment).

2.  Click "clear" if you want to cancel or move an appointment.

3.  Click on a different day (whether making the appointment the first time or rescheduling).

4.  Click "Close" when you are finished in the calendar.

More about how to add an appointment.

Begin a Transaction for this patient

Begin a Transaction for this patient

In the Patient Window:

Click "Create Transaction" on the left side.

Other ways to add a TRANSACTION:

Click billing code(s) in the Exam Window OR in the Transaction Window, click the "+" add button and follow the instructions in the pop-up window.

Add codes

Add codes

In the Transaction Window, the demographics and most recent prescription populate automatically from the Patient Window:

Click in the area under "Items Code" where "92004" is, the list of codes comes down.  You can type in the code or pick one from the list.

More about how to add a TRANSACTION.

Start a CLAIM (bill insurance)

Start a CLAIM (bill insurance)

In the Transaction Window:

Click the payer you want to create the claim for (the insurance payer comes from the patient demographics entered in the Patient Window).

Enter the amount the patient owes

Enter the amount the patient owes

This pop-up window opens after the insurance payer was clicked.

1.  Amount patient owes (you can change it later)

2.  Click "Credit" to create the claim

More about how to create a claim.

Claim created and ready to be sent

Claim created and ready to be sent

In the Transaction Window, the claim is created and ready to be submitted.  The "Sent" box turns green until the claim submission date is entered.

The claim can be seen in 3 different ways - list view, detail view, red 1500 form (green rectangle).

Claim Sent Date turns white when the claim is submitted.  Claims can be submitted electronically (most offices assign a staff member to batch and send claims.  More about how to batch and send claims).  If the claim is submitted on the web (VSP, EyeMed),  mark the claim as sent by clicking the "+" add button and today's date will be entered in the "Sent" box.

Collect a payment from the patient

Collect a payment from the patient

At the bottom of the Transaction Window, the amount due is shown (red rectangle).

Click the payment source - check, cash or credit card (green rectangle).  Enter the amount being paid and click "Continue."  You may be prompted about "dispensed" (is the job finished and given to the patient) and/or "call back" (practice building follow-up tool); both options may be turned off in PREFERENCES.

EOB - Record Insurance payment

EOB - Record Insurance payment

In the Transaction Window, the EOB button turns green if the claim is pending payment from the insurance company.  

In the Transaction Window, find the patient who's insurance payment needs to be recorded or posted (use the "find" magnifying glass button at the top of the page).  

Click on "EOB."  

NOTE:  Electronic "EOB 's" are called "ERA's," get them by clicking TRACK on the Apex website.


EOB - Record insurance payment

EOB - Record insurance payment

EOB Window:

In this example, Medicare pays $100 of the $124 billed amount,

1.  Enter the amount

2.  Click Accept

More about posting insurance payments.

Transaction Payment Summary

Transaction Payment Summary

In the Transaction Window, OD Link summarizes payments on this transaction sorted by date and shows the source (patient or insurance) and the total paid:

In this example:

"Ins" - Insurance payment ($100.00)

"Pt." - Patient payment ($15.00)

Total paid ($115.00)

Patient balance due ($0.00)