OD Link ManualSet Up for New UserHow do I work with and add users?

How do I work with and add users?

Add, delete, or change USER passwords

Preferences > users details (to view existing users) OR + User (to add a new user)

You must have manager access to do this

Add, delete or show all

To add a user click Add user, then Add

To add a user click Add user, then Add

Choose a level of access.

Choose a level of access.

Manager have the most access.  Staff has less.  Dr can also be a manager.  In older versions of OD Link, you will have to enter your Dr as a Dr and then give them a separate user as a manager.  They can log in as one or the other depending on what they need to do.  In newer versions of OD Link, a user can be both a Dr and Manager.  You will be asked while setting up a doctor if you would like them to also be a Manager.

Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks

If you are adding a doctor, use their full name.  If you are adding manager or staff this can be first name only.  User can be anything.  Keep in mind that user is what you will log in with and what will show in various windows throughout OD Link.  You may want to keep this short and simple such as using the employee's initials.  Password must have both letters and numbers in it but can be very short and simple.  Click on "save" when done.

To delete a user or to change a user password.

To delete a user or to change a user password.

First click on that user name and then click on delete user.  To change a user password you must first delete that user and then add them with the same user name if desired and a new password.  To change anything with doctor users, call OD Link for help.  Do not just click on the user and make changes.  You must Delete and then Add.