OD Link ManualExams (EMR)How do I customize my diagnose list?

How do I customize my diagnose list?

Click on Diagnosis tab

Use the search box to find codes and work with them.  You can search by code or word.  Example above shows a search for H10...  Or you could type "allergic" to search for codes containing that word.

Setting "short list" in exam window

In the exam window the diagnose fields contain a shorter list of most commonly used codes in your practice.  You can choose which codes show up in that shorter list.

Click on Short List if you want the code to show in the exam window.  Or un-click any codes you don't want to show.

Other things you can do in the diagnose window

1: click to look this code up online

2: click to add code to transaction (this works when you enter the diagnose window through the transaction)

3: click to add code to exam (this works when you enter the diagnose window through the exam)

4: Patient medical history in your forms is built in this window.  If you want to change or include anything in your medical history area, you can use the "Add to Form" button to include it.

5: keep notes about this diagnose

Edit the drop down list (Descriptions were defined by the government, you may want to edit them)

Edit the drop down list (Descriptions were defined by the government, you may want to edit them)

Click into the description and edit them to whatever words you want to see in the pull down look up list in the exam.

Insurance companies use the code only so the description can be anything you want.

Exam Window Long List

If you click "Long List" (above) you will see all 12 slots and the drop down list shows all codes instead of just the short list.