OD Link ManualPatient Screen and DemographicsHow do I find and combine duplicate patients?

How do I find and combine duplicate patients?

To find duplicate patients:

In the patient window, push the "list view" button.

Once you're in list view, click on the word "Browse" and choose "Find" Or in newer versions of OD Link click "View" at the top and then "Find Mode".

In find mode, type a "!" into any field and push return/enter.  This will search for duplicates.  You could search in first or last name or birthdate.

Your list will return in alphabetical order.  If you want to sort by birthdate so you can see duplicate birthdates, right click on the birthdate field and choose "sort ascending".  You will be able to view patients will duplicate birthdates.  They might be duplicates but they might not.  You will have to compare demographics and decide which ones are really duplicates.  Then use the below instructions to combine them.

If you find patients who are duplicates and you need to combine their records:

Decide which record you would like to keep and which one you would like to delete.  Look at demographics like address, phone, insurance, etc.. to decide which is current and most accurate.  You might want to keep the most recent patient record.  Or manually copy/paste information into the record you are keeping.

Check to see if both patients have appointments, exams or transactions.  You will have to move all of these items individually and attach them to the patient record you are going to keep.  If one patient has lots of records and the other patient does not have any, you might want to keep the patient who has a lot of records so that you don't have to move them.

To move appointments:

To move appointments out of the patient you are going to delete, you have to go into the patient you are going to keep.  Then go to the calendar and re-create the appointment for the patient you are keeping.

Make sure you go into the patient you are going to keep and check their appointment box to make sure you moved those appointments correctly.  The patient you are going to delete should have an empty appointment box when you are done.

To move exams:

Go into the patient you are planning on deleting.  If they have any exams, click on the detail button next to one of the exams or click on the exam tab.

You will be in one of the exams.  Next, click on the list view button so you can view a list of all exams.

List view should look like this.  You might only have one exam listed or you might have multiple.  This list view of exams is the only place where you can change a patient ID from one to another.  Click into the patient ID field and delete what is there and type in the patient ID for the patient you are going to keep.  This will attach that particular exam to the patient you are keeping and it will un-attach the exam from the patient you are going to delete.  You must do this for every single exam listed.

Once you are done, make sure to go into the patient you are keeping and check to see that all exams now show up in their name in the exam section.  The patient record you are deleting should now be empty in the exam section.

To move transactions:

Go into the patient you plan on deleting.  Click on the detail button for one of the transactions.

You will be in a single transaction.  

Take note of the RX in this window.  When you make the change you will lose this information.  When you're done, go into the patient you are keeping and re-enter the RX into the most recent transaction.

Click on the list view to get an entire list of transactions.

You might have one transaction listed or you might have multiple.  The list view of transactions is the only place you are allowed to change a patient ID.  Click into the ID field and change the ID to match the patient's ID of the patient you are keeping.  Do this for each transaction.  When asked if you really want to make this change, say ok.

Make sure that you go into the patient you are keeping and check to see if all the transactions re-attached to this patient.  Then go into the patient you are deleting and make sure all transactions are out of their record.

To move images:

Click on "Images/Files" tab from the patient window.  And then click on a blue detail button to view all images.  You will need to do this for both Patient Related images and Exam Related issues.

For each image click into the patient ID field and change it to the patient ID you are keeping.  Do this for each image in both the patient related list and the exam related list.

The patient you are deleting should now have an empty record with no appointments, exams or transactions attached.

Once the record is cleared of all appointments, exams and transactions and all demographics and notes have been moved, you can then delete the patient by going to the menu at the top and choosing Records>Delete Patient.