OD Link ManualTime ClockHow do I create reports for Employee Hours or edit a time record?

How do I create reports for Employee Hours or edit a time record?

"Managers" can run reports or EDIT existing records.

"Managers" can run reports or EDIT existing records.

Click on "edit" tab to make changes to any record.  Click on "payroll report" to run reports.

To find and edit a record:

To find and edit a record:

Click on "find" icon to search for dates and employees.  Then click on "edit" tab to make changes.

To add a new employee time record

To add a new employee time record

Click on "records" at the top and choose "new record".  This will give you a blank record.  You need to fill in the employee name or initials (sign in ID) and date and times in/out to complete the record.

To run a payroll report, click on "payroll report"

To run a payroll report, click on "payroll report"

Enter the dates you want to view.  For name, leave blank if you would like to view all.  

Payroll Report

Payroll Report

You will get a payroll report with each employee's hours (1 & 2).  You will also get a total of all hours (3) for the dates requested.

Click on "Totals Only" for a short report of total hours

Click on "Totals Only" for a short report of total hours

Totals only report

Totals only report

Calculate Overtime

In TIME List View, enter the day of the week payroll begins. Set it and leave it.

If you do not want to calculate overtime, leave it blank.

When overtime is calculated, a new record will be added to the TIME records, with a negative entry for the Total Hours being removed, and a positive entry in the overtime column.

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