How do I track orders?
Print each order as it is taken and pile them in stacks of TO ORDER, ORDERED, RECEIVED, and CALLED. You may also want to track orders in OD Link so that you can quickly see the status of the job. Recording order numbers in OD Link also helps find old jobs in the future.
Record the job as ordered
1. Click "Y" to put the item on the "To Order" List (you may set the default "Y" in ITEMS detail window on the left side)
2. Click "+" to mark as "Ordered" - "To order is unchecked and the order date and vendor are recorded.
3. Enter the order number the vendor gives you
4. Notice the "Arrived" date box becomes green showing the job has not yet arrived
Optional:record actual lab bill
You may replace the estimated lab bill (from ITEM details) with the actual bill if you want to track accurate material costs
Order multiple jobs at the same time
Click "ORDERS" > To Order
List vs "here"
Here means this view (Transaction Detail), click through the Transactions using the arrows in the top left corner.
List shows all the jobs that need to be ordered in a list
"ON ORDER" list
Shows a list of all jobs with an order date and no received date
Order List
To mark as arrived click "+" to enter todays date (or enter any date)