How do I update or import ITEMS from the web link or email?
You may update the ITEMS you sell from the OD LInk web link, or an emailed file
Click ITEMS tab then "Web Link Update"
You can search and isolate the ITEMS you want to import or update
Find and Export the selected ITEMS to a file on your desktop called "ITEMS"
1. Click Y for Yes under the "Flag 2" for the ones you want to isolate then right click (ctrl click on Mac) to "Constrain found set" to isolate the ITEMS you want
2. Export will save the ITEM file to the desktop
Import from the desktop file (called ITEMS, please delete it when you are done)
"Import" to import new ITEMS
The ITEMS will be imported and shown
Click UPDATE if you want to update the selected ITEMS in your copy of OD Link
Notice that any additional ITEMS that do not match the code field will be imported as new ITEMS.