How do I run a sales tax report?

There are two ways to gather sales tax amounts.  Please read through both and decide which way is accurate for your business.

Sales Tax amounts based on the amount of sales tax you actually collected for a time period.

Sales Tax amounts based on the amount of sales tax you actually collected for a time period.

From the patient window click "Reports"

Choose "Reports"

Choose "Sales Tax Report"

Choosing "View" will let you view information.  Choosing "Run" will help you run a certain date range (this will be starting the last date you last ran this report up until today) and also mark those transactions to indicate you have paid sales tax for that transaction.  The next time you "run" sales tax report, those transactions will not be included once you mark them.  If you want a different date range, choose "view" and then you can do a manual find (instructions below) to find an exact date range you would like to deal with.  "Run" works best if you run the report consistently on a certain day each tax period.

OD Link will show you the transactions in the background (1) and ask you if you want to mark them (2).  OD Link auto-populates the year and quarter as an identifier.  If you want to change that, you can type something else in the box.  Each time you run sales tax and mark transactions, make sure you use a unique identifier.

Once you click "OK" to mark transactions, you will get a pop up to verify that you really want to mark all of them.  Pay attention to the records found (1) to make sure you really want to mark that many records as paid.

You can see your entire list for the time period you requested.  

To perform a manual find, use the "find" icon.  

The window blanks out and allows you to search any field.  You will most likely want to search a certain date range.

This example is a find from 2013 to 2015.  All transactions come up.  You can see that a few of them have been marked as paid (circled in green)

If you want to search for only transactions that have no flag and need to be paid, you can enter the date range you want and also insert a "=" symbol in the tax paid field and that will narrow your search down to only transactions that have no tax paid flag.  The "=" means that you want to only see records that are blank in that field.  The reverse of this is to enter a * character in the tax paid field and you will get only transactions that have a value in that field.

Once you look through this report, and want to pay sales tax, you can use the total at the bottom.  Don't forget to mark this entire batch so that you don't pay sales tax on it again.  You can start over with the "run" feature and choose to mark it.  Or additional instructions are below.

You can also enter a value into a field and push it into all records.  Enter the value.  Go to the very top of your computer and use "records" and choose "replace field contents".

The most efficient way to use OD Link's sales tax feature is to run this report at the end of each month/quarter/year depending on how often you pay sales tax.  Run it and mark it each time.  If you do it that way, you never have to do any manual "searches" or manual "marking" of records.  

With this report OD Link only pulls records where the patient has actually paid their balance including sales tax and you owe that balance to IRS.  So if a patient pays their balance six months down the road, that transaction will not be included in your sales tax report until it is paid by the patient.

Sales Tax Report based on sales tax charged for a certain date range.  The following steps will show you how to pull a report of all tax that has been charged in a transaction for a certain time period.

Sales Tax Report based on sales tax charged for a certain date range.  The following steps will show you how to pull a report of all tax that has been charged in a transaction for a certain time period.

Go into transactions.

Click on list view

Click on Browse and then find

Or click on the toolbar icon to bring up the toolbar below

From the toolbar choose Find

Once you are in find mode, the fields will be blank so that you can search on anything you would like.  Enter the date range you would like to search for in the date field.  Click "Perform Find" from the toolbar of return on your keyboard to perform the find.

Click on "Preview"

Click on "Page Setup"

Change the orientation to Landscape

There is a sliding tool to help you look through the pages.  You can slide it all the way to the right to see how many total pages your report is.  If you don't want to print the entire report you can choose to print only the last page with the totals if you want.

Click on "Save as PDF".  Name your report and save it to a location you can later find.

IMPORTANT! Go back into "Page Setup" and make sure you switch the orientation back to Horizontal.

Exit Preview to get out

Remember that this manual way of finding sales tax charged for a certain time period does not mark the transactions in any way as being paid.  You are simply finding the sales tax you charged and then turning around and paying the IRS that amount for that date range.