How do I track claims not paid?
Click on the Claims Tab
Or click on Claims from the home screen
Click on Claims Not paid
You can filter by Insurance, transaction date or claim method. In this example we are asking to only see transaction before a certain date. Maybe you only want to work on claims that are older than 4 weeks. You could also enter a range in the date box.
You will get a list of all claims that have not paid yet. It will be sorted by insurances. You can right click on any column to sort any other way. For example, you might want to sort by transaction date so that you can work on the oldest ones first. You can view the submit date (1) You can use the Omit (2) button if you want to take any of them off your list. An example might be a claim that is 3 months old but you just billed it again so you don't want to work on it right now. You can Omit that from the list you are looking at. From this window you can also scrub/send (3) or batch (4) and you can print this list (5)